Lesson Options
Piano | Guitar | Bass | Voice | Violin | Viola | Drums | Percussion
Sight-reading | Sight-singing
Arranging | Composition
Recording | Live Performance
“Without music, life would be a mistake”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
We all have a musician inside of us longing for the self expression that an instrument provides. Through our approach to music education, your inner musician will be developed, trained and honed so that you can share that expression with the world.
Through years of formal training and industry expertise, we have developed a system of teaching the concepts of music theory, performance and recording techniques that will allow you to thrive.
Regardless of your age, musical background or current expertise, we will craft a learning system specific to your ambition, time and budget.
We’re excited to learn with you. Come learn with us.
Class Options
[$120 per hour]
[$100 per hour]
Summer Camp [Beginner-Advanced]
[Contact us for details]
Music Therapy [Private Sessions Only] [Piano - Guitar - Viola - Voice - Guitar ]
[$75 30 min] [$120 60 min]